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The Peach Education Tax Credit may seem too good to be true so we wanted to share the names of these community members who looked into it and decided to participate! 

We are so grateful to these supporters who redirected money they already owed the state so that those dollars could stay right here and support Newton County Schools. 

We are over halfway to our goal of raising $250,000 through these tax credits.  Please learn more and apply today.

Baxter and Lisa Bouchillon
Abigail Coggin
Lindsay and DJ Dycus
Rob Fowler
Elizabeth and Bill Harwell
Sam and Loucy Hay
Louly Fowler Hay
Jay Lanners and Buncie Hay Lanners
Jill Morehouse Lum and Brady Lum
Sandy and Betsy Morehouse

Wendy Rodriguez
Gail Rothman and Doug Altizer
Dick and Nancy Schulz
Phil and Ivy Stone
Charlie and Betsy Tuller
Frank and Loy Turner
Jay Williams

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